Residential - Commercial Air Duct Cleaning - Insulation Installation and Removal
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“12 reasons to call Amistee” The Amistee Process....
When you’re investing in air duct cleaning service for your home, you deserve to know exactly what you’re getting for your money. Do you want a cheap quote and empty promises, or a fair price promised right up front. and the most thorough cleaning in the business?
1. Giant Vacuum Truck
We want to provide you with clean air ducts and removing the dirt and dust is the first step. Our industry specific giant vacuum trucks are among the most powerful equipment available for air duct cleaning.
2. NADCA Trained Technicians
At Amistee we will provide you with a highly qualified, NADCA certified crew to clean your air ducts. Our air duct cleaning specialists are up to date with all the latest processes and are equipped with the most effective cleaning tools in the industry.
3. Home Protection
Before any employee of Amistee enters your home, shoe covers will be on our feet. Work will not begin until all of the floors are covered in tarps leading to the work area and all corners are protected. This will eliminate any scratches or dirt on your floors or walls.
4. Before and After Pictures
Seeing is believing at Amistee. We are proud of our work and that is why you will see the stunning before and after pictures of your air ducts.
5. Negative Air Pressure
Using some of the most powerful equipment in the air duct cleaning industry, we will create a negative pressure in your air ducts. The 8’ suction hose will be attached to the supply (heat) and return (cold air) sides of your system. While we are cleaning, all contaminants will be pulled out of your air ducts into our vacuum truck.
6. Register Cleaning of Heat Side
To provide you with the most thorough cleaning possible, we will be cleaning each individual register in your home (heat). Each run is cleaned and air washed separately as large volumes of air are being pulled to the truck.
7. Register Cleaning of Return Side
After all of your heat registers are clean we will then focus on your cold air returns. We will clean each grill and the associated shaft and drop of all returns throughout your home.
8. Main Trunk and Plenum Cleaning
Each and every trunk and plenum are cleaned on both the supply (heat) and return (cold air) side of your system. We will introduce our special air scrubbing tools into the ductwork and remove any contaminants from the system.
9. Furnace Cleaning
The cleaning process is ended with a thorough cleaning of the boot (ductwork drop), filter box, blower compartment, blower wheel, control panels, and combustion chamber of your furnace.
10. Cap and Plug Holes
Each access point that was made to insert our special air scrubbing tools will now be capped or plugged with our specially designed plastic plugs. This will ensure that there will be no air loss from these points.
11. Seal Vacuum Points and Clean
Your vacuum points will be patched up with new galvanized access panels, which may be used for future cleanings. All floors in the work area will be swept clean.
12. Breathe Clean Air
After everything is cleaned, your heating and cooling system will be turned back on and you will be breathing cleaner, fresher air.

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